
Aug 20, 2023

Good Day To You,

We are daily experiencing significant uncertainty about our future. From one week to the next things change quickly and at times look pretty bleak. News of islands on fires and weather disasters that impact our security and our safety, travel and commerce. Then add the stock market volatility and jobs in jeopardy. This attacks our emotional security and stability. 

Faith is a main currency in the Kingdom of God. A faith stance in life and action has always been pleasing to God. Faith is being obedient and acting according to His heart and commands no matter what the future looks like. Let me encourage you with this scripture: 

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8-9

A boy showed up to hear the teachings of Jesus, and he had brought his small lunch with him. This somehow caught the attention of Simon Peter who related this information to the Master. This young child then surrendered his lunch and gave what he had - just 5 rolls and 2 fish. He gave his whole lunch without knowing the outcome, not knowing the future of his participation. He gave his own lunch to Jesus. He acted in faith. Jesus took the simple and honest gift and blessed, broke and distributed the lunch, and it fed 5000 men plus women and children. The disciples gathered up what was left, and there were 12 baskets full of leftovers. 

You and I need to stay Kingdom active in the middle of the present need that is around us, and then offer our gifts with childlike faith to the Master’s touch. Amazing things can and will happen. Ponder this encounter with me for a moment. This boy will never forget this experience. It was his lunch, and he was a part of the miracle of God’s grace and provision. This story was and is told to countless people. The boy was engaged, he was willing, he gave in faith, not knowing the outcome. And he was rewarded along with many, many others. We may not know the future, but let us thrust and obey the one who does! 

Q: Does the media news of the world’s concerns and issues help your faith or increase your fear? 

Q: What do you have that’s simple and honest that you can offer to the Lord?