What are you thinking?

Sep 24, 2023

Good Day To You,

What subject do you think about the most during the day? You may be surprised, after looking at multiple research surveys, that the majority of these findings say that people think about this one subject more than sex or health or food or politics. What is it?  Money. We think about how much we have, how much we need, our bills, our retirement, how money will affect our future, vacations, what can we afford, who has more, and so forth. Why is it so on our mind and in our experience? Because money is how we do life, how we live and eat, put a roof over our head, turn on the heat and enjoy activities. Money is connected to the core of our existence. Your money matters. 

This will bring healing to your body and refreshment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. Prov. 3:8,9

To honor is to esteem, value and respect, showing attention and giving place or priority. When you honor the Lord in any area of your life, you will see positive outcomes. If you honor the Lord in your marriage, placing him first, you will value your spouse differently. If you honor the Lord in your business, you will work as unto him and steward and treat the business and those that work in it with respect. And when you honor the Lord with your money, your wealth, when you place him first in your finances, you will see promised benefits. 

Originally, the reader would understand that to honor the Lord with their money, would be to bring a steady portion, the first fruits of their finances to the tabernacle, as well as care for the needy and help with concerns of widows and orphans. The same is true today. If you and I will honor God with our wealth (we are wealthy), he promises to fill our barns or account with plenty (substance, enough) and give us new wine (life’s joys) that is plenty for us to enjoy and to give to others. One more thing: You might have noticed that this scripture indicates that something happens in our very body and soul when we honor God in this area. The act of honor releases something of a chemical reaction in our body coupled with healing emotions. We are better physically and mentally for it. When we honor him first, we too will be honored. 

Q: Have you ever been honored at work for a project, at school or in your church? If so,what was that like?Q: After reading and thinking about this devotion, how might you honor God more in your finances?