The Healing Sandwich

Jun 25, 2023

Good day to you,

Most of us have had the painful experience of getting up in the middle of the night and navigating around furniture only to cram our pinky or big toe into the leg of a hard wooden or metal chair or table! The pain causes an immediate reaction. One of three responses happens with any kind of hurt in our lives. 1. Bottle it up – We internalize it, press the hurt inward, only to have a later explosion. 2. Blame shift – “Who moved that chair?”  Or we blame that “stinkin’ chair” or table. 3. Blast it out - We go off, rant and curse and abuse the people we love the most with our ugly outburst. What do you do with these emotions when something painful or hurtful happens in your life? You’ll be hurt at some point by something or someone and anger will be your emotion. Hurt produces anger. Let me offer another path that’s beneficial for both you and others. 4. Better to Vent - Unpack and let your Father in Heaven have it. You’ll notice in the book of Psalms that David often processes his heart, with strong emotions connected to hurt and disappointment, openly before God his Father. Many times, if not in all cases, David finishes his lament with the consistent truth of God’s faithfulness and support. We learn from these examples that emotions are not sin. Father God can handle our personal upheaval and emotional outbursts with patience and understanding. And we find ourselves in a better place mentally and spiritually when we walk this out. 

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

​When you have hurts or worries, remember the sandwich that produces peace. The bottom slice of bread is everything you experience, in your concerns, issues and hurt. Pray, adding this core part of the “meat.” Tell him what you need, tell him what’shappening, tell him where and how it hurts. Then add the other piece of meat. After venting out your pain, take a moment and recall, speak out some points of thanksgiving, gratitude. Then Your Father in Heaven will place the top layer of bread upon your mind and heart, his unmistakable peace. Peace that will not come from stuffing, blaming or cursing out the pain, a peace that surpasses the human ability, for it comes from above, from Your father who cares for your soul.  

Q: Do you think you can get angry and not sin? 

Q: Where does most of your anger come from? This could give you an idea of where you get hurt the most.