Christmas for All 12/4

The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told." Luke 2:20

In Luke’s account of the Christmas story we find that the first individuals to see and hear of the amazing plan of Emmanuel, God with us, were shepherds. In the time that these shepherds lived and worked in the fields, being a sheepherder was a low-class job. They were paid very poor wages, lived out in the elements, were virtually homeless, had no facilities and had fewbelongings. Shepherds were not allowed into respectable homes because it was believed that they would steal from the owner. Theywere not allowed to be a witness or serve in court because of the reputation to lie or fabricate stories to better themselves. Shepherds were some of the poorest in society and were outcastsin their culture. And yet God chose to first share his plan to the simple poor shepherds, and those who were cast aside were now vital and included in the unveiling of the Master’s plan. So Christmas is for the poor and forgotten.

They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. Matt 2:11

Here in Matthew’s account we see another group of individuals included and embraced in the Christmas story. These are the “Magi,” an entourage of travelers from the far East who studied the stars and the planets and realized that something significant is taking place in Judea due to heavenly revelation.  

These have traveled a great distance at great expense to honor the one they understood would be King. These were men of extreme wealth and wisdom.

So the Christmas good news came to the wealthy and the wise as well as the poor and forgotten. Women, children and those that were cast aside in society were engaged and included in the redemptive work of Christmas. Truly the message of Christmas was for all people from the poor to the wealthy and everyone in between. No matter what your position or your place or your past, Christ is born and he has come to redeem you to himself through love, grace and forgiveness. 

Q: Which group surprises you that they would be involved in the Christmas story? 

Q: What gift would you offer to the Christ child if you were able to stand before him in his earliest days?