
Apr 9, 2023

We have had a long and hard winter in Northern Arizona this year. Record snow fall and extreme cold temperatures with its freezing ice and snow plow frequency have wreaked havoc on the roads in and around the city and vicinity. Literally the highway and roads have been beaten up so much that large pot holes and dangerous road conditions have damaged many vehicles and caused severe driving concerns. 

The roads and highways of Northern Arizona have fulfilled the second law of thermodynamics this winter: entropy, that things do not get better but move always to a lessor degree of stability and or health over time.

Mankind continues to fulfill this law as well. And it is understood that something of an intervention is needed to change the course of our spiritual and soul entropy. 

This need for redemption has been illustrated over the centuries in our art, literature, movies, and culture. Mankind is not getting better, and needs some type of rebirth, reboot, renewal. Like the phoenix from the ashes. We see it in the literature of children with “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” or Dickens’ story “A Christmas Carol,” in which Scrooge has an encounter and heart change. And we see it in the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” where George Bailey was brought back to life and experiences a rebirth with the intervention of an angel. 

Mankind has need of a rebirth at the deepest level. Only one message and one historical figure makes the claim that those who would admit their need for rebirth and trust in his completed story, they would experience a renewal from the inside out. Jesus Christ made this claim and backed it up with the prediction of His death for the forgiveness of man’s sin and the resurrection of His life for His power over death. As Andy Stanley said, “If a man can predict his own death and resurrection, and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says.” If you wish to have a rebirth, reboot, an act of full and complete redemption in your life, I would listen and go with whatever Jesus has said. 

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3: 5

Q: What have you noticed in life that continues to show the second law of thermodynamics, entropy?

Q: How can one be born of the Spirit? What does that entail?