Tough Life

May 14, 2023

Good day to you,

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isa. 41:31

Those that put their hope in the Lord and walk in faith with Christ, are compared numerous times in the Scriptures to an eagle. God uses this metaphor, imagery of an eagle, to relate truths, insights, values and encouragement. God is revealing his ways, and interactions with us, and how he views us as majestic and regal, as an amazing balance of grace and beauty, strength and authority.  Eagles evoke emotions of greatness and grandeur, wonder, and power. God was not using this reference by accident or without meaning. Isn’t it good that he didn’t compare us to a pigeon, otherwise known as the sky rat. Our father is instilling in us, a highly esteemed view of our value and his love for us in using the very imagery of an eagle.

Here is another fact about eagles. Eagles court and fall in love, finding their mate high in the sky. Through a series of acrobatic entanglements and dances in the air, the male and female eagles tumble and frolic and even kiss finding attachment to one another in the space high above the ground. What’s so interesting and applicable about that? Well, I’m glad you asked. Eagles don’t fall for chickens. They are not hanging out on the ground looking to a chicken to fulfill them. Eagles don’t fall in love and mate with chickens. They are majestic pictures of power and destiny. They are not to settle for left overs and mere scraps or gravel on the ground. Eagles are meant for greatness and to be in the heavens to soar, to ride the wind at high altitude even upon the storm winds high above the surface. 

You are compared to an eagle because God wants that imagery infused into your mind and soul that you are made for greatness. You are called for a purpose. You have been given his gifts, wisdom and authority. You are not to settle.  I’m not talking about walking in some human pride. I’m talking about a proper mentality, a Christ centered mentality. Cast off the chicken-thinking and set your mind on the things above not upon the things in the chicken coop. This mindset changes your choices.

Eph. 2:6 –  For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.

Lift your head up and realize you are untied with Christ. You have been bought with a price you could not pay, and you are no longer to live life pecking at the ground. You are an eagle with wings, spread to catch the wind and soar with God. 

Q: What is some chicken-thinking that plays in your mind from time to time? 

Q: Eagles fly at such a high altitude that their perspective is quite amazing. What might take on a fresh look if you viewed it from that vantage point?