Dirty Hands

Oct 1, 2023

You and I use our hands all the time and in every day activity. We use them for work and play, cooking and cleaning, writing love notes and to do lists, digging weeds and fixing cars, painting on canvas or putting a golf ball on the green. Our hands represent the being and doing of our daily lives. We find much of our worth and even a portion of our identity in what we accomplish with our hands. In every place of worship, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy. 1 Tim. 2:8

Here we see that universally in every church or place of worship, we as followers of Christ are instructed to lift up holy hands to God and pray. We are encouraged to offer the very instruments of our active lives in open surrender and worship to our Father. How can our hands be holy? Our hands, naturally in the process of life, get dirty. We wash them often (or we should) to rid them of germs, impurities and grime. We can wash them with soap and water to find an external clean, but there is only one way for our hands to be truly holy before God. We must ask and then receive the wonderful personal cleansing work of Jesus for our hearts and hands. Just as our hands get dirty often from daily earthly work, may we find our lives cleansed often through the washing of His love and forgiveness by means of his grace. Ask him today to cleanse the grime of this world so that you may life up holy hands and pray with confidence for his provision and position.

 Q: When do you remember when your hands were extremely dirtied or soiled? What were you doing?

Q: 1 Peter 2:15 - But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. How is this possible if we have a sin nature?