
Sep 10, 2023

Good Day To You,

To honor another is to give esteem, to value and to respect highly. We as the body of Christ are instructed to honor those who direct and lead the church. 

The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. 2 Tim 5:17 

What would that look like? This past Sunday we had the privilege of giving honor to the past elders and pastors of the church of Canyon Chapel. We showed honor though sharing life stories and memories that revealed the worth and value of their sacrifice and devotion to their calling. We prayed blessing over them, showed our appreciation by standing ovation and then practically by giving them goodies and gifts. The personal sharing by individuals before and then afterwards in a fun reunion time providedencouragement and words of affirmation to each pastor for their teaching and shaping of many lives over the years. 

When a true moment of honor is given to a person who has lived faithfully in a place of humble authority, something happens. When elders are publicly honored appropriately,then the church, the followers of Christ are infused with memories of God’s past faithfulness and his grace upon their journey. As a result the focus of the mission and purpose of the church is rekindled and joy and unity result. Thus a refreshing work of grace is given. Let’s fulfill the word of God and honor those who have given their life to the formation of Christ in the local church. 

​Q: When scripture states that we are to honor one another, how might you honor those closest to you? 

Q: Who might you show honor to this week who could use a dose?

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