
Sep 3, 2023

Good Day To You,

A number of years ago I was having breakfast with a pastor friend at a cool spot in Scottsdale, Arizona. Our server was a college-age guy who had the spiky hair and skinny jeans and a fair number of tattoos. I’ve never been a big fan of tattoos, and my immediate internal response was that this guy is a little too much. Tattoos have become more popular over time, but I confess that initially I was put off. Then the Holy Spirit nudged me and said that I was not being caring or kind. I was to show this guy some honor. I was convicted and chose to value him and give respect to this man when he returned to serve us. When he came by our table again, I engaged with a more open posture and asked him if he had any dream in his heart for his future. (I have found that people love to talk about their dream. When asking about that, it says you care about them, and as they share you can honor and encourage their value.) This guy began to excitedly share that he had been sober and drug free for a couple years and would love to see his experience help others. He was making plans with another friend to pool their money and invest in a down payment for establishing a sober-living center for those coming out of alcohol and drug addiction. I was blown away. This man had a wonderful desire and a compassionate heart that was being revealed in our continuing conversation. I had judged the book by its cover and now was repenting for my limited and small heart. I remember that as we were leaving the server exchanged contact info with my pastor friend who lived in the area, and he even walked us to the door and out to our car stating how meaningful this encounter had meant to him. 

To honor someone can make such a difference. Honor: to esteem, value, build up. 

Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling. 1 Chronicles 16:27

Around the throne of God, is the atmosphere of honor, joy, strength, and beauty. To realize that surrounding and enveloping God in heaven is the thick reality of honor, it is clear that honor has a high place and value in God’s kingdom. You and I are instructed to pray and live in such a way that “His kingdom come and his will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” So if honor is a key element encompassing Him, should we not find creative and effective ways of demonstrating it to those around us, in our marriage, family, kids, church and community?  Honor opens hearts. 

Q: Have you ever judged someone by their external look and then come to find out you were totally wrong?

Q: What might be good way for you to honor your spouse, children or friend?

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