Heaven Help Us 5/22

May 22, 2022

One of the questions that is challenging to many and is consistently asked by those who are either investigating or excusing Christianity is this: “Why would a loving God choose to send people to hell?”

"It is not a question of God ‘sending’ us to hell. In each of us there is something growing, which will be Hell, unless it is nipped in the bud."
CS Lewis

We are all bent. We all have tendencies toward selfish, rude and hellish actions. You and I have been given an amazing gift from God, one of free will. We have the ability to determine through our choices the very course of our life. With this gift comes a powerful privilege and a sobering responsibility. Our personal history and mankind’s track record reveal clearly that left to ourselves, our handling of this gift does not turn out well.
We have need of someone greater than ourselves to be the gardener. Someone who,with care and courage, will activate the power tools needed to remove our sinful core.
John 15:3 - He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.
When we yield our will and heart to Christ Jesus, we find such a Gardner. We begin to see the work of heart change and the removal of the buds and shoots of human sickness and sin. Turning from our selfish ways and following Jesus will produce in us a fruitful life. Necessary pruning will take place, but this is for our good and for those around us. Let’s allow his shears to be active in our lives, for heaven’s sake.

Q: What past behavior or pattern have you seen pruned from your life, and now see the benefit?
Q: Why do we find it difficult emotionally to submit to his pruning?