Heaven Help Us

Aug 27, 2023

Good Day To You,

If you don’t know your destination, if you don’t know the typography, the climate, the culture or the possible activities, the cuisine or the accommodations, then you won’t know how to prepare, what to pack, how to relate the location to others so they might join you.

Your destination determines your actions.  

A clear picture and understanding of heaven give you practical clarity for present living. A muddy future creates a dirty present. Today there is quite a bit of confusion with Christians about the views of death and of life after. Some have been taught that it is an ethereal, mystical state, while others that there is no heaven or no hell, you just cease to exist, annihilation. Others don’t have any kind of picture at all. What’s your heavenly picture? Clear or cloudy, jumbled up like a Jason Pollack art rendering? Let’s start with a clean canvas and add some significant colors from important truths.

‘The Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. (Gen 2:7)

God breathed into us. The word “breath” in the original language means “spirit.”

What is the nature and being of our Father? Eternal spirit. A deposit was made into us as mankind, and we became a living eternal spiritual being. He imparted this likeness of His Spirit to our spirit for the purpose of friendship. We have a common denominator with God, the ability for life-to-life relating, partnership and community. You are an eternal being, a gift from him personally - face to face - created in His likeness and given the ability and capacity to know and be known. We can walk and talk with our creator and we will live forever. This truth changes things greatly. For our earthly existence is just temporary, not the end of our living experience. It then matters to consider seriously and with purpose our future eternal existence. 

Q: What’s your view of heaven or your eternal future? 

Q: Since we are made in God’s likeness, how does that change your view of yourself?