Enemy of the Soul
Good Day To You,
Ora et labora is the traditional slogan of the Benedictines This originated from Benedict's desire for his monks to live a healthy and balanced life, to be found through prayer and hard work. St. Benedict's Rule encouraged periods of work for the monks,for "Idleness is the enemy of the soul." Couple this with communion with the Father in conversation and listening, thus life finds fruitfulness and fullness. This is so true for health in our walk and life with Christ today!
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.
Col. 3:23
Your work is prayer. And prayer is work. You and I are to work with our hands, abilities, gifts and position as unto the Lord and find simple joy and fulfillment there. Your work reveals the heart and gifts of God. Be it in the cubicle or on the construction site or the classroom or the court room, your work is pleasing to God and he takes notice. So do it to honor and please him as your gift and pleasure.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. Phil. 4:6,7
As we pray (which at times is hard work) we encounter the Holy Spirit infusing our heart and mind with the tender grace and mercy of His presence. Prayer makes a difference in you and your world. It changes both sides of your brain, building new fresh connections and thoughts as well as bringing peace to relieve the anxieties of the present. Talk to Jesus and thank him today for the wonderful forgiveness and future you have in Him. Recall just a few of the things that he has done in your life, marriage, family, business and watch the weight of your concerns lighten. Let’s be monks today and Ora et labora. Let our work be a prayer to our Father and our prayers be acts of thanksgiving to his ears.
Q: What job do you find enjoyment in and like to do?
Q: What are a couple of things you call to mind that you are specifically thankful for?