More Punch 8/14

Neuroscientists have found that when failure or rejection happens, a downward spiral of negative thinking begins in all of us. No one is immune. Scripture states it this way:
Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
What these research scientists have also found is to break the negative, downward spiral one must receive approval and acceptance, from an outside source, someone speaking a focused word of encouragement.
So how can I be a conduit, an agent of encouragement for those around me? How can I break the downward spiral for those in my proximity? What gives me the strength to have more punch in my praise for others? Looking at the following scripture we gain some wonderful insights on how to answer these questions. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.1 Thess. 5:18,1

Start by being thankful or grateful in all circumstances. That doesn’t you are to be thankful for the stress or pain you are having, but in your present circumstance find something that brings gratitude and thankfulness. Keep gratitude as your focus. When this attitude of heart is the foundation of your thinking, it provides the atmosphere for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. You are not quenching the Spirit but are giving the Holy Spirit room to infuse and fill you. And where the Spirit is in residence “the joy of the Lord will be your strength.” His strength is now present. His courage is available so you can “in courage” someone else. You can pour out of your reservoir of courage and give some to another’s soul. You are able to be an agent of healing and encouragement breaking the discouragement cycle by expressing to another something of God’s giftedness or character you see in them. Oh, and by the way, there’s one more exciting blessing from all this. When you do speak life and encouragement to someone, God keeps the books and you activate this Biblical truth: “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” Prov. 11:25
If you give like this, hope, encouragement and strength will be given to you.

Q: What one thing could you give thanks to God for in your life?
Q: How could you “In Courage” a family member or friend today? Text, a call, a note….