More Punch 8/21

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13

According to this Scripture each of us have the ability to unleash a dynamic grace that can break the deceitfulness of sin, scatter the downward spiral of discouragement and strengthen someone’s resolve to Godliness. This is done through encouragement. So let me share with you two practical ways to add encouragement to your daily life.
1. When you are going to attend a family gathering or a party, have a dinner date or join a friend for coffee or when you plan on attending an event or church or even going to work, you get Ready - Set - Then Go!
You get ready - find the appropriate attire, put on make-up, brush or comb your hair, apply deodorant and hopefully brush your teeth. Then before leaving most of us make sure we are “set” by checking ourselves in the mirror. Is everything good? I’m together, zipped up. Do I have my glasses or sunglasses, my keys, my wallet or purse? Then after we are Set, we are good to Go.
In the same way “set” your mind before going to work before a dinner date or family gathering. Ready yourself internally, set your mind with the thought, “I am going to be looking for someone to encourage.” Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware, to give you some insights for giving a point of encouragement. This will change your whole experience for the better.
2. We all make sure important things are put on the calendar, whether it’s an event, shopping, groceries, recreation, golf or vacations. If it’s important to us we make time for it. So put encouragement on the calendar, it’s that important. Intentionally make appointments by making new traditions for birthdays, anniversaries or holidays. Or on a weekly basis, set it as part of your rhythm of life. Why not start every birthday or every Wednesday evening going around the table and sharing something you love about someone’s character, giftedness or attributes of His nature. Where we find this kind of love and approval, we all come back to seek it again, whether it’s your home, church, family, even in the work place. Get Ready, Set, Go and share the living water that’s in you by the grace of God.

Q: Imagine what would happen if you Set your mind to active encouragement before church or work?
Q: What would be a good event, holiday or other day to intentionally be a time to encourage another person?