More Punch 8-8

When you don’t accomplish or complete a task or project or goal, when you experience derailment of your hopes, when you suffer some point of rejection, your thinking goes into a fault mode. Your internal tapes start to play that it’s your fault. You did it. You're messed up. And a downward spiral of defeat or discouragement begins. Neuroscientists have found that when failure or rejection happens, a downward spiral of negative thinking begins in all of us. No one is immune.
Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
What can break this downward spiral?
Approval, acceptance, a friend or someone relating personally an encouragement, injecting into the discouraging pattern a loving thought, a word of grace.

“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” Hebrews 3:13

There is great power and healing in speaking a thoughtful heartfelt encouragement to a family member, co- worker, spouse or child. To take a moment and look for and acknowledge an aspect of their character or giftedness, to tell someone with some clear specifics the qualities you see in them. This has the ability to power punch and knock out the discouraging thinking that’s taking place in their mind.
It’s “Today” so let’s be increasing our daily encouragement for those around us. Do this by asking the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the qualities, fruit of the spirit and other strengths in those we have relationship with. Then tell them, look them in the eye and specifically share those characteristics and strengths with them. You and I have the ability to defeat discouragement and scatter the downward spiral that is afflicting those we love.

Q: What was spoken to you from someone that brought great encouragement into your life?
Q: Who could use some encouragement today? A friend, spouse, neighbor?