On The Way

Oct 8, 2023

Good Day To You,

As he entered a village there, ten men with leprosy stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. Luke 17:12-14

Jesus came into a village where the people were busy participating in commerce, shopping and community. In the middle of all of this ten men who were outcasts, separated from the community by their affliction of the disease of leprosy, called out. These men cried out over the dull noise of the crowd for Jesus to extend mercy to them. Their petition was public and heartfelt, seeking Jesus to give them what they don’tdeserve. Mercy is favor and a gift which isn’t deserved and in this case, attention, healing and restoration. 

Jesus looked at them. Above the noise and activity the scripture says that Jesus did more than just gaze their way or glance at them. The original language states that Jesus stared at them intently. He saw these men. In this busy moment he wasn’t insensitive or distant, but he truly discerned the need.  You know when people really “see you” and choose to engage and be present with you. It matters to your soul and validation. 

When you call out to Jesus and ask for grace and mercy in your condition, he “sees you.” He knows what you need, he understands your plight and is present. He is not put off or distant like many of our human contacts. He cares and speaks in response to your concern. Throw out the false concept that you don’t matter or your concerns are a bother to the King of Kings. Jesus looks at you. He sees you. He enjoys you and will respond to you. Ask for mercy. 

Q: When have been looked over by someone you hoped would give you the time of day?

Q: What concern do you have today that needs the mercy of Jesus extended to you?