On the Way

Oct 22, 2023

Good Day To You,

He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. Luke 17:12-14

As they went…on the way… they were cleansed. 

Jesus had just given them instructions to show themselves to the priest, as a part of the verification process of individuals being made clean or healed. This was an understood custom, and Levitical law clearly stated that the individual stricken with leprosy needed to be seen and approved for daily life and interactions by the Priest. By giving thisdirection to these ten men, Jesus was implying that their healing was certain, just obey. Here is a teachable moment for us. Jesus sees all of our sin, brokenness and uncleanness and declares over our lives what is to be, what he sees as our true healed future.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jer. 29:11

Interesting that the healing of their disease didn’t happen at the moment Jesus spoke over them.  It happened along the journey, it happened at some point in their going, stepping out and moving in faith. I’m sure this challenged their emotions and their thinking. Could Jesus have healed them right then and there? Sure. But the step by step is where you and I encounter the real relationship of Christ, the heart-expanding sweet spot of working it out together. In my walk with Jesus I have discovered that it’sthese moments of the small consistent steps of obedience that are activators of the divine. Be it getting out of debt or seeing lives changed and saved, or family members strengthened. It has been the stepping out and doing the right thing no matter how awkward or discomforting for the emotions. That’s when we see his provision realized. Go - begin - move - step out, these are the obedience markers of a childlike heart that he favors. In your journey today, stay the course, wrestle it out, have discussions with him “on the way” over the lack you have and the mercy you need. Press forward and and take those small steps and see his miracle unfold…on the way. 

Q: When have you traveled on some journey or hike and have been completely surprised by what you discovered?

Q: What area of life do you need to take those brave steps of obedience in and trust him?