Grace + Practice + Time
Good day to you,
In the gospel of Luke, Jesus relates a parable about how he would bring benefit to the people of God, or an individual who lacks growth or has been fruitless in life, one who is stuck.
“Sir,” the man replied, “leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.” Luke 13: 8,9
Fertilizer is a unique additive for the benefits of the cellular structure and overall health of the plant. There are three major ingredients in fertilizer that significantly enhance the life of a tree so it can bear fruit: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Let’s look at three insights from this passage, that apply to our personal walk with Christ.
1. Fertilizer is an outside additive. We are all in need of outside help. This is not a weakness but the reality that we are all created to need help. You need water, air, food, sleep as well as heart and soul additives. Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, so you need the Word of God, his heart applied, fresh input of his love and insight as daily bread. You need the Church, the people of God, the community of Christ, for is not good for man to be alone. We need examples, prayer partners, teaching and encouragement from fellow followers of Christ. One thing I have observed in the last few years is that when those who step away from the church and say that they can function without the local church, it does not go well for them and their family in the long run.
2. The minerals of any fertilizer are taken in through the roots and leaves, through natural means, so healthy growth and lasting fruit will take place through daily life. So be present, be authentic. Life and growth happen in the small stuff. Don’t be distracted by the most recent sexy or flashy spiritual fad or fluff. Godliness + contentment is great gain = growth.
3. In fertilizers, there are various levels of the three main ingredients, different percentages of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Why? Because each soil has different needs, different deficits. Another interesting fact is if one applies the wrong fertilizer mixture to the soil, it can actually harm the tree.
You see each soil is different, and varying levels of the ingredients are required. Not all soils are alike and not all people are alike, for we come from various backgrounds and stories. This is where we can trust the gardener, Jesus, for he is the one who appliesthe fertilizer that we specifically need, and he knows what’s best for your soil! He has great interest in seeing you grow and be fruitful.
So to recap: Be present and do the small stuff. Be engaged in the Word and the local church. Be thankful that he’s applying just what is best for you.
Q: What would be the name of your favorite plant or tree? And Why?
Q: Which of the 3 points speaks to you and your need to press into applying the truth found there?