Grace + Practice + Time

Jun 18, 2023

Good day to you,

It was a Sunday morning years ago in Children’s church when Children’s Pastor Mary Hughes asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior.  I was 13 at the time and I was an assistant and helper to Mary and the children in the class. As I stood in the back of the classroom and was maintaining some crowd control, Mary asked them to bow their heads, and if they desired to pray with her to go ahead and raise their hand. I kept my eyes open to stay on watch, and I noticed hands shoot up from a number of kids sprinkled all over the classroom. Mary then prayed for them and then asked them to pray right where they were and talk with Jesus. After the prayer the heads came up and out popped a question from a young girl in the center of the class.“How can Jesus come into that boy’s heart over there and also in that girl up front? How can he be in both places at once?”  Without even a chance for Pastor Mary or myself to answer, a girl in the front row turned and loudly blurted out with confidence, ”That’s easy - Jesus stretches!” 

Well, there it is - good theology from a second grader. Jesus stretches. God is spirit and moves and joins with any who call out to him, wherever they may be. He is not stopped or held back by time and space. 

“Sir,” the man replied, “leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.” Luke 13: 8,9

‘The Holy Spirit knows exactly what you need for your soil. He knows exactly what your condition is and how to address it, heal it, redeem it, grace it. Just as we have seen in applying this scripture, the Gardner, Jesus, will add the correct amount of fertilizer with the appropriate allocation of minerals so you can foster optimum growth and health in your life’s journey. He knows what’s going on and where you hurt or hope. Listen and trust what he’s teaching you, what he’s bringing your way through your devotions, thoughts and stirrings, is good. What I receive from him is different than what you need from him today. He’s the great gardener and he will prescribe the right amounts for you to go and bear much fruit.   

Q: In ancient times, figs were used as a natural sweetener for pastries and desserts.What’s your sweet go-to or favorite dessert? 

Q: We have looked at the same scripture over the last few weeks. What aspect of it has encouraged you the most?