Grace + Practice + Time

Jun 4, 2023

Good day to you,

As Jesus was teaching his disciples and followers, he used the parable about a fig tree, and we are gleaning three major points of application from this word picture. Grace + Practice + Time = growth and fulfillment.

“Sir,” the man replied, “leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.” Luke 13: 8,9

The key player in this passage is Jesus the Gardener, the caretaker of the fig tree. And You and I are the fig tree in need of growth and spiritual fruit.  First, the Gardener has compassion and grace upon our weak and unfruitful state and doesn’t cut us down. He digs around the base of the tree, providing fresh oxygen, sunlight, and softening the hard dried out soil, allowing for the next step. He lovingly brings in fertilizer, helpful ingredients and minerals that will be assimilated into the root system and life of the tree. What is this fertilizer? The fertilizer is the heart of the gospel, the love of Jesus, the truth and principles of his Word and ways. These nitrogen-enriched additives are his insights and principles that we must digest, take in and assimilate into our lives. He applies his wisdom and knowledge through the Word of God, examples of Godly saints, and teachings of the church. Remember, fertilizer is activated into the very root system and life of the tree. It’s worked into the being of the plant. The Gardener doesn’t come and duct tape pictures of figs onto the limbs of the tree. Application is made not from the outside, but the fertilizer systemically goes into the tree to produce fruit. We must live and digest his ways and word, and then practice his principles. 

“As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like.” Luke 6:47

Here Jesus relates that as we put his truth and words into practice, we become like a house firmly built on the rock, and when the storms of life, the torrents of adversity come, we remain strong. 

Remember he said to practice. Fertilizer to have its effect needs practice. It is doing it over and over and over and over again until it becomes a part of our life. It’s practice,not perfection. Perfection is duty and performance and has very little relational qualities. Practice is working it out, one step forward, one step back, progress over time, moving forward, and trying it again in relationship. Jesus looks at your heart and sees your practice as pleasing to him. So don’t give up. Receive the fresh sunlight of the Holy Spirit, and allow for new words of encouragement and insight to be worked into your life. Couple that with a heart of practice, and never stop practicing. 

Q: What sport or craft has improved over time because you continue to practice at it? 

Q: What has the Holy Spirit been working into your life for some time? How can you practice this truth more effectively?