I Am: Jesus Series

Mar 24, 2024

Good Day To You,

Jesus’s, dear friend Lazarus was sick, quite sick, and Jesus was told so. In the gospel of John we have the account in the 11th chapter that after Jesus heard about his friend’s sickness, he waited a couple days before he traveled to Lazarus’s home. By the time Jesus arrived, Lazarus was four days dead, and buried in a tomb. Martha, the sister of Lazarus, shares with Jesus her disappointment, grief and expectation. Stating that if only he had come sooner, Lazarus wouldn’t have died. Then Martha makes a fascinating statement of resolve, acceptance, faith, and surrender

“But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask.” John 11:22

She offers not a demand, or a threat, or a positive confession, but honest faith in the character of God.  Martha practiced the prayer of relinquishment.

Catherine Marshall, in one of her writings, relates in the chapter “The Art of Relinquishment” the concept of prayer that allows for the acceptance of the facts, coupled with the surrender of our will to the purpose of God’s plans. She states, “This is my situation at the moment. I’ll face the reality of it. But I’ll also accept willingly whatever a loving Father sends. Acceptance, therefore, never slams the door on hope.”

She goes on to write, “When you relinquish everything to God, you stop commanding and demanding God to do things for you. As long as you keep telling God what to do, He will honor your free will and will not violate it even to answer your prayer.”

I submit to you today what whatever weighs upon your heart and has your concern, pray it out, pray with open hands, yield, and pray the prayer of relinquishment. Ask for his will to be done, his way to be accomplished, knowing that the goodness of God will always win. He will always do the best. 

Q: What personal need or concern that you presently carry and where it would be good to practice the prayer of relinquishment?

Hope to see you this Ressurection Sunday!