I Am: Jesus Series

Mar 10, 2024

Good Day To You,

Last night I was viewing the new documentary on Apple TV about rise of the NFL Football team the Patriots called “Dynasty.” During the episode they show the hit that put their 100-million-dollar quarterback Drew Bledsoe, out for the game thus making room for the rise of Tom Brady. You couldn’t tell on the field or it wasn’t visible to the naked eye, but the impact of the tackle had caused an internal tearing of an artery and Drew’s lungs were filling up. Without treatment he would have died. 

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. Isaiah 42:3

We would say, “It’s just a bruise,”  but the word bruised here in this scripture has this very same meaning as that which took place to Drew Bledsoe. A bruise in this context is a deep contusion, unseen on the surface but causing organ failure or a “death blow.”  This prophetic verse is describing the mission and compassion of Jesus, the Messiah as he brings healing and hope to those bruised and just hanging on. Many of us suffer from contusions or deep hurts that no one can see on the surface. You may suffer from deep blows of rejection due to a divorce, or from childhood abuse or emotional painful trauma. Jesus can see beyond the surface, behind the protective façade and bring the needed touch and healing to these wounds. He is the Great Physician. Talk to him about the bruises of your soul and ask him to bring the treatment you need to stop the bleeding. He can be trusted, and he promises to come close to those who are broken and bring them to recovery.

Q: When did you have to go to the emergency room and what needed to be treated?

Q: If we can’t always see the extent of the hurt, what would be an appropriate attitude when trying to help others?