I Am: Jesus Series

Mar 17, 2024

Good Day To You,

In the story of “Beauty and the Beast” the beast is under a curse and can only be freed from his plight by love’s true kiss. 

For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” Gal 3:13

Jesus became the beast and took upon himself our curse. One who knew only beauty and purity, wholeness and holiness, he stepped out of the wonder of complete fullness and entered into the fray, to the point that he was beaten and disfigured, despised and afflicted with every unjust offense of our making. He was placed under the very curse of man’s sin. You and I should have received the penalty for the sins that we have committed which would end in death, but Jesus saw the beauty that could be in us and bent low, came and laid down his life for the object of His love. What is this amazing unconditional love that he demonstrated and released into our world?  That God in the flesh would care so deeply and desire so much that the relationship with us would be restored to the point of communion again. The beautiful became the beast to set free those who were under the curse, to become the beauty. After these acts of love were completed, we his disciples are referred to as his bride. Makes perfect sense that we now are the bride, the picture of love betrothed. And he continues to love us by removing every spot or wrinkle and clothing us in white as his esteemed beautiful. Think of yourself today made pure and free, no longer under a curse but one who has received the loving kiss of heaven. 

Q: Where were you when you received your first kiss? 

Q: When thinking of the love of Christ Jesus for you personally, where have you seen his practical love in your life?