Free Range

Mar 9, 2025

A friend posted a picture of a broken egg on a kitchen counter, the shell scattered and the egg white and yoke running and leaking out, laid bare for all to see. The caption read: “Broke an egg this morning making breakfast. My insurance company said the adjuster will be over tomorrow.” The price of eggs has gone up significantly and there seems to be a shortage as well. Speaking of cost, the chicken and pig were asked to make a contribution to the all-church breakfast. The chicken responded and said, “I’ll give 2 eggs.” The pig said, “That’s easy for you to say.” 

To be involved in any project, business or organization, it will cost you something. Some more than others. Jesus loves you and meets you where you are, but he desires to change what you are. If you choose to follow him, it will cost you something. This makes perfect sense. If mere humans are going to take on the life and spirit of God, it’s going to require some real altering and adjustment, a cost to comfort and priorities. I heard pastor and author Tim Keller say recently, that if you can read the word of God and nothing ever bothers you or challenges or convicts you, then something is off. His ways are higher and his thoughts are greater than ours, so to meet them, find them in us, allow for them to have their way, you and I have to be willing to change, learn, move and admit need. This will cost us.

The beautiful truth you will come to experience and trust is that the cost is outweighed by the benefits to your heart, mind and soul. As Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

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