Daily Dose 9/18

Sep 19, 2022

The Lord’s acts of mercy indeed do not end, For His compassions do not fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I wait for Him.” Lam. 3:22-24

God has a portion of mercy and compassion for you this very morning. He is so faithful to make this mercy available to each of us, every day. Our soul needs this dish of mercy and his supply will not fail or runout. If you don’t partake of his mercy and compassion, your soul will seek for it from someone or somewhere and somehow. What is this mercy? Mercy is the free offering of love to cover our shortcomings, insecurities, issues and dysfunction. Mercy is to know the faults and mistakes of the individual and to look pass them and see the heart, to grace that person with support, hope and encouragement. You deserve conviction and judgement but you receive neither. Instead you get compassion.That’s mercy. His mercy is a wonderful aspect of his character and you and I need it. So how does the Father love us? He provides this mercy, your portion for your soul fresh every day. It’s not based on your ability or character. It’s based on His. So today scoot up to the table prepared for you and partake of the portion of mercy your soul needs. He is for you - not against you. Then stay seated and just wait there a little…

Q: What do think your response would be if you received mercy instead of the punishment for a crime you committed?
Q: How do you think the response from the first question would impact how you treat your family, friends, neighbors?