Daily Dose 9/11

We are investigating a few insights from God’s word which encourage us to participate with Him in a “daily” action. Today the daily dose is one of his challenges that strikes at the very core of our experience.
Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23

To take up your cross daily.
This daily action is for those who wish to know him and follow his ways. To daily take up this particular form of death is not a call to physically die, but to daily crucify the temptations, passions, appetites and desires that would derail us from finding true freedom and fullness. To pick up the cross daily is an acknowledgment and acceptance that these issues exist in us, that vain thoughts, selfish tendencies are to be found in our condition. These issues are not positive or beneficial and left to themselves produce no good thing and only call out for more problems to come and roost. These patterns of human nature must be placed on the cross, surrendered to death. The Word says to consider yourself dead to sin and alive in Christ. This path of the cross is a realization of our humanity and then a call to humility which always leads to greater security and strength. By laying down our pride, ego, appetites and taking up the path of surrender,we decrease the muscle of leaning on our own understanding and importance, and we make more room for the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was appealing to his followers to sacrifice for the purpose of resurrection power and life. Through taking up your cross daily comes the means of true identity and wholeness. Let me decrease so that the Holy Spirit might increase in me. Where the Spirit is, there is freedom.

Q: How was the cross seen or understood to the hearers of Jesus words in their time?
Q: What selfish tendency or appetite in your life needs to be placed on the cross?