Daily Dose 9/4

The original Hebrew meaning of the word “made” is to create, to fashion by his hands. God has designed today - put the parts together and created it. Can you make the sun to rise and keep the oxygen and nitrogen in perfect balance so as to allow for life? He made today and placed in it opportunities for meaningful exchange of love, hope and truth. God created today and then gives it to us as a gift. There are certain philosophies that teach that we create our destiny by controlling the day and demanding it to obey our manifest will. This thought is faulty and moves us to ego, pride and self. Today is a gift from the Creator. We receive it. We don’t take it or demand it or deserve it. So with this attitude of heart and posture of mind, we make no demands of the day, but we are given partnership as stewards of what our Father God has created. We come in a posture of humility and gratitude for the amazing gift of time and possibilities that He has provided. He has entrusted to us this wonderful gift called Today. We are its stewards, so with thankful hearts we desire to make the most of it and honor the giver.
What is the appropriate response when someone gives you something as a gift? What do you say? “Thank you, I love it!” You are thankful for the present. Today let’s rejoice, show our appreciation by choosing to align our thinking and heart to this gift that has been freely given, knowing that the Father has designed some exciting opportunities for us to express grace, love and the good news to our family, kids, friends and neighbors.
Through this scripture in Psalms we gain a “daily dose” that when taken sets us up for greater joy and freedom.

Q: Do you see today as a gift or a guarantee? And how does that perspective matter?
Q: If God designed today, what opportunities might he have planned for you to discover?