Good Thinking

Jul 23, 2023

Good Day To You,

On my way to church I drive by the start up of a new small housing development. I noticed that they’ve spent a great amount of time doing the excavation, then the footers followed by the stem walls. All of this for just the foundation. Months of work with heavy equipment and the reinforcement of rebar, steel and concrete. The most critical and necessary point of any building is its foundation. There is no lasting eternal life outside of Christ as one’s foundation. 

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one we already have - Jesus Christ. Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials - gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw. But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done.

1 Corinthians 3:11-13

​Jesus Christ is our foundation. We find our right standing before God through Christ alone. You can only find God’s approval and acceptance in Christ. We have our future in God’s kingdom through Christ.  What’s intriguing is that we have the opportunity to add on to this foundation. You and I “build” with the choices and actions of our lives. And we can either use materials that have an eternal quality, the currency of His Kingdom, or choose to build with that which will not endure or remain in our future. 

So let’s choose to build well. Build today with His Kingdom materials - the fruit of the spirit, your witness and service to others, generosity, forgiveness and empathy. These things remain. In this way we can be on mission and extend the Kingdom of Heaven with intentionally.

This clear picture of your destination and His evaluation will change your daily experience and actions.  Where you spend your money, place your energy, how you interact with family and others, prioritize your life. Let this be today a good healthy dose of sobering reflection of what really matters, so as to lay up treasure in Heaven. 

Q: Who do you know that has built with Kingdom materials? What sticks with you about them? 

Q: Is there an area in your life that you sense you need to build more with heavenly materials?