More Is Caught Than Taught 7/3

Jesus invites his followers to do life with him in real time. To be coupled with Him in close relationship and proximity where we will experience, see, feel, hear, witness, and catch his ways and heart. We will learn from Him.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matt 11:29

Jesus gives a promise to his followers that this relationship compared to other ways of doing life is easy and not one of a heavy weight. At the time of Christ the Pharisees put a yoke of 613 commands upon their followers. Today we have the same systems of heaviness taking place in some religions, and these systems are not livable, sustainable or enjoyable. Jesus calls us to a living relationship where we learn from him on our journey with him. We learn by being yoked together following his lead and being in such agreement that over time this relationship builds and grows with greater understanding and application. By doing this life together with Jesus, the personal outcome will be rest for our souls. Rest means peace, healing and confidence for our soul which is our emotions, thinking and will. As you and I learn from him in everyday life, allowing the Holy Spirit to encourage, adjust, mend and remove false concepts and our human insecurities, our soul’s wounds and lack will be replaced with his calm and grace. How wonderful and empowering is this promise that Jesus gives us. As we do life together in an atmosphere of gentleness and humility, we will have an enjoyable life that provides true rest for our souls. So be encouraged to listen to his prompting in your heart, practice his presence and realize that his leading will foster a sweetness of life and a lifestyle of rest and peace.

Q: Would you say your posture of heart today is to learn from Him?
Take a moment and recall an area where you have seen the rest of Jesus come upon your soul - your mind, emotions, purpose - and give him thanks.