More Is Caught Than Taught 7/24

We should all be carrying around a tool box for life. Hopefully you have caught some helpful “hacks” like handy tools for doing life. These tools are principles and truths that help you in your friendships so as to maintain and improve these relationships. Here is a tool that makes a significant benefit and should be in everyone’s tool box - Humility. Humility is often misapplied and misunderstood - it’s not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. We often think it’s taking the approach of minimizing yourself or putting yourself down. But true humility is actually being honest and being true to yourself, being secure and confident in the way God has designed and made you.
So know yourself. Know your God given gifts, know your love language. Know who you are in Christ - know your temperament and your strengths and weaknesses. Know who you are not and be okay with that. Then get to know gifts of others and honor them, give room for their strengths. Grace others as they grace you in your strengths and weaknesses.
1 Peter 4:7 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Humility is willing to admit your mistakes as well as your strengths. That’s not proud that’s just reporting.
If the tool of humility is engaged in relationships and you are honest and true to yourself and others, it’s not weakness to admit a mistake or being wrong. It’s the pathway to greater grace.
1 Peter 5:5 “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
In my marriage and family we have a relational policy that when one speaks as if they know the answer only to find out later that they were wrong, they should admit it freely and openly by stating “I was wrong and you were right.” This keeps one from being to braggadocios and provides a path of humility for grace. Humility is a tool of active importance in your tool box of life.

Q: Can you name one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses?
Q: If we know that we always receive grace from God when our posture is humility, why do we often resist it?