More Is Caught Than Taught 7/10

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11:29

Jesus makes a promise. “You will find rest for your souls.” He invites us into a shoulder-to-shoulder relationship where we learn his ways and heart as we journey with him through daily events and experiences. His promise is not a maybe or might happen, but he says that “You will find rest.”
He’s good for it. Just look at his resume of making good on promises and commitments. He gave up his heavenly realm with the Father for our sake and became human in order to do the redeeming work of restoring us to right relationship. Through his sinless life, death on the cross and resurrection he fulfilled the work necessary for complete justice to be met and the power of sin and death to be canceled. We personally experience his grace and authority through the cleansing work of our sins, our selfish choices that have hurt others, ourselves and God. When we confess and ask for our sins to be forgiven, the miracle of his amazing grace happens in real time in our heart, mind and soul. You and I “know,” we emotionally and mentally realize, feel the chasm removed, the guilt lifted and the ugliness of the sin washed away. We are free. He made good on it all, for all.
So Jesus made a promise and you can bank on it, trust it, live it. As we stay in the posture of a gentle and humble attitude of heart, this being the common denominator of relationship with him, he will provide rest; refreshment, recreation and enjoyment for our mind and core. Grab this promise for today, declare it and receive it, He said it and he will make it so.

Q: For what sin(s) have you experienced the work of His grace and forgiveness?
Q: Of the two attitudes of heart - gentleness and humility - which one do you need forgreater growth?