More Is Caught Than Taught 7/17

Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. Mark 6:31
Jesus invites us, his followers and disciples, to do life with him, to learn of him and to practice his ways and heart as we walk this sod. This scripture reveals Jesus modeling to his followers a dynamic principle of self-care and wise behavior, not only for him, but you his disciple. Find a quiet place and rest awhile. Due to the emotional, physical and mental impact from the consistent press and care for the people, Jesus relates to his disciples that rest, solitude in a quiet place, would be a priority. Jesus is reading the gauge of his soul and understanding the rhythm of life and recognizing that he and his core group of workers need a time to recharge.
Every seventh day we need a break, step away from the business and noise of life and its pressures and recharge. To keep a day of rest and recreation in the rhythm of our life is critical to our spiritual and emotional health, and it’s the way we are designed by our Creator. No one else can read your dashboard. You are the only one that can monitor and read your gauges. You know the last time the oil was changed and the tires rotated. Be honest with yourself and obey his heart, and when the pressures and noise of doing life have depleted your margins, intentionally find a quiet place and rest your soul. It’s not weakness. It’s Christ-like. Jesus modeled and walked out this lifestyle principle for us to follow so we can live life more abundantly with greater fullness and joy.

Q: What’s your emotional gas gauge showing on your dashboard? Low and in need of a fill-up? Full tank?
Q: Do you have a set day of rest, a sabbath? If not, what day would work for you in your rhythm of life?