More is Caught Than Taught 6/26

The statement “more is caught than taught” can be an overused cliché - but the application still bodes true. When it comes to relating value, approval, grace, acceptance and the fruit of the Spirit to another, it can’t be done in just one short teaching moment. It takes many teaching moments that happen in real life interaction and intentional time spent together. As we desire that our children and their children enjoy a deep and meaningful relationship with their Father God, then they must see it, have it displayed, taste it, experience this reality in the day to day from someone.
Do life together - find specific settings that you commit to and make a part of your daily life. These frequent encounters are when and where the values and fruit will be “caught” by these precious gifts. It’s the consistent small acts that make a big difference over time. And we all can do them, it doesn’t take money or a big house or certain level of IQ, just a willingness to engage and be involved. May I suggest a few proven and powerful acts that produce great results over time.
1. Eat a couple meals together each week. Everyone sit down at a table, put away all distractions, turn off the TV and phones and listen, talk, laugh, cry, find out what’s happening in the lives around you.
2. Do chores together. Make it part of your family and life experience. Yes, you will have to deal with attitudes and issues, but it’s better now than never. You will also find it creates opportunities to transfer knowledge and work ethic and encouraging words for a job well done.
3. One more: Pray with your children, student, grandkids, every night. Take ten minutes and go into their room and tuck them into a safe bed and cover them in prayer. Jenny and I over the years have had many wonderful discussions, meaningful experiences and deep heart concerns come to the surface at these nightly appointments. Do these acts take time and energy? Yes, but the investment is worth it, for the value gained and return of joy and grace will exceed your expectation.
What if the nest is empty or the kids are off to college? Make the most of this important time and continue to do life together, cause your family will return home to where life happens, so see above concepts and adapt them into your lifestyle.

Q: It’s been said that it only takes one person showing meaningful value and time in another’s life to keep them from a life of heartache. If that be true, who was it for you?
Q: What one intentional act can I start with my family this week that will provide life-to-life valuable exchange?