Best Practices 2/12

It was a hot and sticky day in Tempe, Arizona, and I needed to do some yard work. We had a large backyard at the time, and it took over an hour to weed whack, edge the 1/2 acre yard and then mow and bag the clippings using a riding lawnmower. I was out there in 110 degree Arizona heat, and the dust and grass clippings would hang in the stale air and stick to my sweaty and sun bleached body. After finishing, I headed for the house to get a much needed shower and fresh clothes, for I was covered head to toe with grass fuzz and clippings, mixed with sweat and dirt. As I entered the back door, Jenny was at the kitchen sink which had a window view to the back yard. She turned and gazed my way, and said; “You are very attractive to me right now.” There was a hint of admiration and appeal in her voice. I laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding. Just look at me.” Her response: “Oh, I see you and you look good.” 

You see Jenny’s love language is acts of service. She feels love and is encouraged when simple demonstrations of support in practical ways are freely offered. 

Jesus said to his followers “If you love me, then keep my commandments.” John 14:15. The more accurate translation of this insight from Christ is: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.”  When you love someone, you WILL choose to do what’s best for them.  Love is the basis for any positive relationship of meaning and significance. I don’t have to mow the back yard, or clean the stove or pick up after myself. I want to - to show in real ways that which pleases her, bringing joy and benefit to her life. 

May you remember today that at the very core of your walk with Jesus is love. He first loved you, redeemed and forgave you in your unlovable state. Today foster that love, tell him, enhance your gratitude towards him, and then you will naturally please him in your actions and deeds. “If you love me - you will…”

Q: What friendship have you felt and experienced love and encouragement through? 

Q: For God so loved the world…that includes you too, how has God shown he’s love to you personally?