Best Practices 1/1

As this year starts, I believe the Father’s heart for you would be that you live your best year, at your best. And one practical point of truth is this: “Out of rest comes our best.”  When we are at rest both in the spirit and in the soul, we function at our best. How can true rest of heart and mind be more a part of our experience this year? How can we set about to journey in rest through the days ahead?

Proverbs 3:5-7

Trust in the Lord with all your heart - And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 

Here is a key insight about rest. In all our activities, in our dealings, decisions and our doings, may we seek his heart and wisdom, for we don’t possess the needed knowledge on our own, but our Father does. As we acknowledge him, listen and acquire his “daily bread” for our path (which is your way of living), he will make our living straight. The definition for this word straight is smooth, easy, manageable. In other words, it is a life of greater rest. As we realize our own personal lack, weaknesses and inabilities, we can choose to accept them and not “lean” into them but seek and listen to his wisdom for the day. We will find that our journey goes from bumpy and turmoil to smooth and manageable: rest. Our best is then realized and seen by ourselves and others. You can’t make your path smooth on your own. Oh, how we have all tried and come up short. He will make your path smooth. Let’s make sure to come under his authority and word and let his ways impact our path with rest.

Q: What are you like when you have a bad night of sleep or little sleep at all? 

Q: What area of my life do I need to pause and ask for his insight and direction?