Best Practices 2/19

​I just heard on the radio a song titled “Dream Small” by Josh Wilson, and one of the lines from the song states, “A tiny rock can make a giant fall.” It’s true. We had a Q & A session apart of our Sunday service this past week and one of the questions was this: “The armor that Saul gave David to fight the giant Goliath didn’t fit him and he could not use it. Wasn’t it still scary for David to go face Goliath on his own?” Sure it was. But let’s remember that David was a sheepherder and did his job for many years as unto the Lord, watched over his sheep with diligence and was learning and acquiring knowledge and skills to do so. Then the Bible tells us that he faced the bear and the lion and defeated them to protect his flock. David was in God’s school of character with seemingly small steps but one upon another upon another, leading to more faith and experience. All in preparation for his next battle, which was Goliath.

​God will prepare you to match your coming assignment. Will it still be a step of faith? Sure it will, but not one for failure.

So the little things do matter. The day-to-day obedience and faithfulness, add up like interest in a bank account. I’m sure David practiced his slingshot as he watched over the sheep, possibly knocking cans off the fence post at thirty paces. Did he face Goliath without Saul’s armor? Yes, but David stayed true to how God had equipped him and what fit his style. Know this, that by this time in David’s life the slingshot was a useful weapon in his hand. So be faithful today, practice, practice, and please the Lord where you are now. Don’t despise what you’re learning or how slow it seems. Though it seems small, it’s preparing you to be victorious against a coming giant.

Q: What seemingly meaningless job have you had that prepared you for the one ahead and how?

Q: At times I get upset at God’s slow timing and want things better now. What area of your life do you need to get a better perspective about His patience?