Best Practices 1/8

As we desire to live the best version of ourself this year, we have discussed that out of true rest comes our best. Being at rest in our soul is promised by our Savior as we abide in relationship with him and learn his ways and follow his voice. Matt 11:29 - Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

You have been designed by your creator with specific gifting, abilities, temperament, likes and style. Then add tothat your personal experiences and interactions.  God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. 1 Peter 4:10

So it is wise on our part to know our created giftingsand strengths as well as weaknesses and default tendencies and stay in our lane, for our goal is soul peace and rest. When we do that, we will have an understanding about what fills our soul tank and what drains it. We know that the basics of prayer, solitude, devotional life and staying humble and gentle of heart are primary and foundational to our rest, like daily hydration. But the activities that fill and drain us are unique to each individual. The famous theologian Clint Eastwood said it this way: “A man must know his limitations.” To know your limitations as well as your strengths and then to live in balance with them, will produce the rest needed for being your best. Practically and emotionally you must find and acquire what fills your tank because what drains you will always be a part of everyday living.  So let’s do some assessment and personal gauge reading. These twoquestions will give you some helpful insight on what fills your soul tank. And then go out and make sure these are part of your soul’s diet. 

Q: Do you find yourself energized by being with a group of people or with just one or two friends? 

Q: What activity do you do that when you’re done you feel most alive or refreshed?