Best Practices 1/29

Good day to you,

To live your best this year it’s smart to be in alignment with the way God has designed and gifted you. To find our God given design takes some dedication and purpose, but it’s well worth it. 

The children of God, after being delivered from captivity in Egypt, found themselves in the wilderness learning to listen, obey, and cooperate with God. In the book of Numbers, we find a fascinating scripture that relates to a practical issue that needed to be addressed. How do you communicate with a vast number of people spread out over acres and acres of wilderness?

"Make yourself two trumpets of silver, of hammered work you shall make them; and you shall use them for summoning the congregation and for having the camps set out.” Numbers 10:2

One person from each of the 12 tribes of Israel was to be dedicated as the communicator to their specific tribe. They were given a lump of silver, and from that precious metal, were to fashion, hammer out, design an instrument, a trumpet for their use. These trumpeters were to beckon the people to action, to break up camp for travel, to call them to arms, to gather the leaders, even to call for feast or festival. They were to make distinct sounds that would be a clear call to God’s people about God’s desire. You and I have been given a precious gift, a love relationship with Christ. And from this gift, we are to hammer out, work out, our lives as an instrument for his voice. These Old Testament trumpeters had to shape the silver into an instrument that would fit their lips, their fingers, their posture. You and I are to do the same, to take the experiences of life and hammer out through grace, godly character, the fruit of his spirit, and his voice to be heard by our tribe and family. It takes purpose and dedication, time, and patience, but the music and tones that come from a life so lived, ring true in the ears of the listener. 

Q: What instrument do you enjoy listening to?

Q: Who presently is listening to the music of your life?