Fighting The Giants 10/30

Good day to you,
But you were unwilling to go up; you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God. You grumbled in your tents and said, “The Lord hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us. Deut. 1:26,27

The scripture above shows God‘s dialogue and recall of what happened with the people of Israel after hearing the bad report from the 10 spies that there were giants in the land. What we discover in the scripture is an interesting progression of how a negative unbelief-based report when received can effect one’s mind and actions. First thing we see is a resistance to God‘s love and direction. Israel could go up, had the physical ability and means to go into the promised land, but were unwilling. After hearing and believing this report, they were stuck. They said “We can’t go.” In other words, “We won’t.”  A negative mindset of unbelief will disengage faith and cause one to stagnate.  Second, we see the grumbling, complaining kick in and they bemoan their life in private.  When a bad report or offense is allowed and accepted, the heart becomes sour and the mouth speaks out its condition. Then most tragically the outcome is that one’s view and perspective of God is altered.  We see that they projected out of their misery that the Lord hates them, that he has a devious plan to bring them out of Egypt to destroy them.  This ugly spiral of thought, produced the very sad result of a long-term wilderness experience.  When you hear caustic gossip, or from the TV news receive a fear-based report,or when an internal personal tape of negativity begins to play in your mind, take action and seek the mind of Christ. Comfort it quickly. Engage with what you know is good and right. Give. Step out and serve, when and where you can.Do God’s heart for those around you, and say yes. Continue to give thanks and don’t let your heart and mind focus on the giants or the report. Be one of the two that said -Yes.  

Q: What negative report is in your ear today or in our culture?
Q: What happens in your mind and heart when you start down the path of grumbling?