Fighting the Giants 11/13

We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 2 Cor. 12:4

In our fight against the giants each of us face we do not use physical armament or natural means. We use weapons of the Spirit that are effective and powerful in releasing the Kingdom of God, one significant weapon is Prayer.

When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray in Matthew chapter six, he relates a very important concept at the outset that sets the tone when it comes to this weapon of prayer.

He says to pray beginning this way: Our Father. The word father here is “abba,” an endearing and affectionate term, one a daughter or son would speak with tenderness to their “daddy,” used here for the first time in the gospels. This principle is critical to our attitude of heart in communication with our God. We come into his presence with an understanding of his acceptance, approval, and embrace that he is our Dad who cares about us. Jesus in the verses previously to this point mentions that his followers are not to make an outward spectacle of prayer or continue to plead and babble on and overly repeat words to gain his attention. No, we have a Father who is attentive to our concerns and personal battles, and we can be assured that he is not panicked, overwhelmed, threatened or worried about the giants we face. He is concerned for us his kids and encourages us to come to him in this posture of security and inclusion.

Your weapon of prayer is founded on the reality of his love. You have no need to plead or panic or fear. He is for you and is actively listening and responding to your prayer. 

Q: What would be your definition of a Dad who couldn’t care less about the concerns of his children? 

Q: What battle or giants are you facing that you need to tell your Father who cares?