Fighting The Giants 11/27

Notice in this scripture the two realms of fighting taking place in our lives and around us. First is this dark world and the second is the evil spirits that are in the unseen sphere of the spirit realm. So when it comes to our weapons, established by God and able to deliver victory in these two realms, of course they are not natural. We find in the Word examples of effective weapons of this spiritual war that we all can activate. Here’s a reminder in a short list: worship and praise, declaring his truth in scripture, prayer, and love and good deeds. When it comes to this last weapon mentioned we find that Jesus gave us a clear call, and if we follow that call, amazing things happen. 

You are the light of the world….In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Matt. 5:13,16

In this dark world we as followers of Christ are agents of light, and we have the tools to shine out brightly. Jesus makes the connection that good deeds acted out in love will produce a light. And light always displaces darkness, light always defeats darkness. So through your individual good deeds, you are breaking up the shadows and darkness around you, and the Kingdom of God is being revealed.  When we as the body of Christ agree and work together, it stands to reason that a greater intensity and an increase of lumens is released, destroying works of darkness and evil in both realms. One last thing on this teaching from our Lord and Savior boggles the mind. When we shine out these good deeds, something of a physical to spirit world revelation takes place because others see these physical works and good deeds and experience an awakening in their mind and heart that these acts are really connected to God their father. They respond by praising their Father in Heaven. An amazing work of the Holy Spirit opens eyes and hearts through simple acts of kindness and grace. 

Today act out a good deed, and shine the light of Christ that scatters the dark around you. Be a giant slayer with the power of His spirit at work. 

Q: Recall an act of good deed or love that really impacted your life and heart.

Q: Who is around you that could use a shot of light through a good work you and your family could make happen?