Fighting The Giants 11/6

Good day to you! There are giants in the land! You and I face present day giants. They might not be found in human form like the 13 + foot tall King Og of the Bible. But we face significant, large, towering issues, struggles and concerns. Be it the oppressive thoughts that come against us about our failings, shortcomings or miscues, or the nagging of our past and what could have been. For someit’s the pain and heartache of a prodigal son or daughter. Then there’s the seemingly unrepairable broken relationship of one we love and our deep wish for restoration. These and other Giants of the mind and soul come and pick fights with the people of God. To face these giants is not a punishment or a lack on your part. It’s part of moving forward in faith as we walk with Christ to stand and see His kingdom come on earth. 

To face your giants in human strength or with a physical engagement is both unwise and is not going to advance healing and hope. Let us remember that we wrestle in a realm that is not physical. Scripture puts it this way: 

We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 

2 Cor. 10: 3-4

So when facing your giant come in the opposite spirit. Don’t try to figure it out or worry in the natural, but pick up one of God’s powerful weapons. Activate thanksgiving, worship and praise, and declare His character. Bring down the very atmosphere of what is happening in Heaven into your mind and relationships. Worship the King of Glory - shout forth his grace and love, proclaim the truth of his authority over this oppressor. As you make melody in your heart, as you align your mind through the spoken Word of God and lift up the beauty and name of Jesus, the shadows disperse, the vain imaginations settle and the giant takes a blow and bows.  

Q: Each one of us in our story has a personal point of victory or a praise report of Gods faithfulness, and that when spoken, or declared brings forth hope or encouragement to our soul. What is yours? 

Q: What would be a good cue or trigger to place in your mind to remind you to fight not in the natural but with his weapons?