Fighting The Giants 11/20

Nov 20, 2022

In our struggle with forces that come against us as adversaries, this scripture which references the unseen powers and rulers, gives us a fascinating perspective and understanding. Christ Jesus is in charge. He’s been there from the outset and is the catalyst of all life. All thrones and authorities were created and established originally by and through him. Though some have fallen or rebelled against his Kingdom, they have no existence or scope without the allowance of God. So Jesus is not intimidated by these realms and rulers. He knows their schemes.  Christ Jesus is placed at the highest place and is the supreme authority over all that is seen and unseen. The question is this: “Does Christ live in you by faith and have you yielded your heart to his Kingship?”  If so, then “greater is he that is in you, than he that is in this world.”  Christ in you has defeated and has rule over these realms and powers. These unseen attackers know his authority. They are well acquainted with King Jesus, and their knee bows before His name. So in times of fighting the giants in your life, when an attack of discouragement or confusion comes against you, exalt the name and fullness of Christ. Declare his authority in your words, life choices, praise and prayer. Speak out his authority and position and your position in him - forgiven, empowered and protected. You stand and speak forth and see Christ the Lord fight and win the battle. He’s got this! 

Q: If Jesus knows all the players and principles and rules them all, what causes you and I to become defeated or confused in the moment?

Q: In what area do you try to figure it out and fight it out in the natural instead of calling on Christ Jesus to be your defense and offense?