Fighting The Giants 10/23

Good day to you,

They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. Numbers 13:27

In the Old Testament we read of the people of God coming up to the land promised to them for their livelihood and future.  Moses sends out one leader/spy from each of the 12 tribes of Israel to go on a covert, black ops mission – to spy out the land and to report back what they have discovered. They come back and report some amazing facts and do a “show and tell” on their findings.  The land is abundant, rich and fertile, grapes so large that it took two men to carry them. And the early gossip heard was true that this is a land flowing with Milk and Honey.  That’s quite a statement, flowing with milk and honey, because to have flowing milk you must have ample sources of water, a river, significant rain for tall grasses to grow to feed the cows for dairy production.  Then to have honey in a vast supply one must have the bees who can visit a variety of numerous flowering plants and trees, which in turn constitutes more fruit and foliage and harvest.  This Milk and Honey declaration is like saying this land is so rich it covers the entire menu, it has a wealth of goodness from the appetizers through the main course and even to the desserts.  It’s like saying we are covered from A to Z.  God revealed a full and dynamic picture of the Promised Land, and what was ahead and in store for his people was spectacular. The “What” that’s ahead for his people is wonderful and good to sustain life and build healthy families.  
We as followers of Christ need to remember the provision of the “What” as we journey with him as well.  You and I need to consider the “What” he has for us and the benefits that await us as we walk out our lives with him, like the grace that flows anew and afresh every morning, the Father’s love that embraces us and calls us beloved, his refreshing forgiveness that is freely given to the acts of our sin.  The wondrous hope that we have, that is not founded on our works but based on the obedience and resurrection power of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.  That nothing can or will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our King!   The “What” he has for us goes on and on. The promises he has and will fulfill is a multi- page menu before us. The “What” is critical for us to recall and rejoice in. It’s an important strength we acquire so we can navigate and endure through the “Whys” of our struggle and journey.  

Q: Name something else that would be found in a “land flowing with a milk and honey.” 
Q: Can you think of another “what” promise that awaits you as a follower of Jesus?