Follow Up Visit

May 19, 2024

Good Day To You,

If you are a follower of Jesus and you love his heart, life and ways, you are a part of his Kingdom, and you have the privilege of being an agent of his love to your circle of influence.

The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. Luke 10:1

Jesus sent out the disciples who were following him, and he told them to go to towns and villages he was going to visit after they returned. The same is true of today. Jesus visits the places where you take the light of Christ. It’s not by accident that when you interact with your friends, coworkers, neighbors that you deposit  a seed of his love or shine the light of his attributes. Holy Spirit follows up and visits these encounters with more points of proof, life, love, conviction. Don’t forget that Jesus is still at work, and he goes before you and behind you. So be looking for the signs of his activity. 

John 5:17 “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” 

Signs that God is at Work

When Someone:

• Brings up a question about God, origin of life, one’s purpose, etc.

• Volunteers a need for prayer or reveals a need. 

• Relates a personal pain, hurt, discomfort, dysfunction giving the opportunity for speaking / praying healing. 

• Shares a dream or deep hope they have for themselves or their family. 

• Has hunger for more insight or truth to help them change. 

These are just some of the signs that God is at work and the Holy Spirit is giving you clear indication that you should join him in what he’s doing. Speak peace, healing and Jesus into the lives of your children, grandchildren, or anyone you come across. Be on mission and be ready because Jesus is visiting the clans and towns around where you live.