
Feb 11, 2024

Good Day To You,

You’ve most likely heard it said, “It takes one to know one.”

Jesus is the One. He knows all of your experiences of pain, betrayal, abandonment, abuse, torment, and so forth.

For he has set a day for judging the world with justice by the man he has appointed. And he proved to everyone who this is by raising him from the dead. Acts 17:31 

During the last few days of Jesus’ life, he experienced at the hands of others some extreme events. He was betrayed by one of his intimate team, one of the twelve who sold him out for 30 pieces of silver. 

He was falsely accused and had his reputation maligned, being made out to be a heretic and an insane, narcissistic leader. He was ridiculed and beaten, stripped and spit upon, humiliated, and whipped to the edge of death. Then he took upon himself the depravity and sin of mankind. Just think of the extreme anguish this placed upon his mind and soul.

So why would we need to address these ugly times?  Because we need to know that when it comes to true justice for those who have propagated such evils upon the innocent or the vulnerable, Jesus sees and will act. For there will be a day of judgment and justice, and it will come from the One who has experienced injustice at the hands of others.  Jesus knows what it feels like. He knows the depth and emotional impact that they carry, and he knows the appropriate punishment.   So with firsthand knowledge he can dispense true and complete justice.  

This is a powerful principle that you need to adopt, because if you are one who has experienced such events, you should release your need for true justice over to the One who will judge, justly.  Don’t try to carry it yourself or make the violator pay. Don’t keep a record of wrongs, for this will only minimize your life and steal your joy and happiness. 

“Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord. Romans 12:19

Taking revenge or judgment upon another for emotional payback is unhealthy for us. It leads to bitterness and resentment. Leave that to Jesus and let him be the judge and jury, for he’s equipped for it. Trust him and turn it over to him and you will find peace for your soul and hope for your heart. 

Q: We don’t like to think of this subject much because it brings up all kinds of negative feelings. Name a few.

Q: Is there anyone that you have offended that you need to make it right and seek forgiveness?