
May 12, 2024

Good Day To You,

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is giving instructions to his disciples as they go out to share the good news of the Kingdom of God, in the small towns and villages. They are to bring a greeting of peace to those they meet. 

“Whenever you enter someone’s home, first say, ‘May God’s peace be on this house’.” Luke 10:5

This is not just some casual meaninglessness throw-away nice custom Jesus is encouraging his followers to use. The meaning of the word peace here is God putting together the pieces or to aligned and thus one is made whole, therefore at peace.

Isn’t it fascinating to realize that Jesus is teaching his followers that they have the power to bring wholeness and provide the atmosphere for His grace to have a positive effect upon those within the home where they abide.

You and I, through the power of our words, the presence we carry, and the Holy Spirit working through us, can see the removal of anxiety, strains, stresses and fears, so that the essential parts of someone can find themselves inGod’s peace, and not remain in conflict. Don’tunderestimate the power of Holy Spirit and his contagious nature, that leaves a deposit of the beauty and love of Christ. It is not based on our goodness, charisma, knowledge, but the Spirit of life that resides in you. For we know “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.”

Carry His peace and dispense it with discernment and compassion. But let’s not hesitate to be conduits of his peace to those that are in turmoil and conflict today,seemingly more than ever. Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, and distribute His peace where you live, work, play and interact. For happy are the peace - makers. 

Q: What might be a good way to trigger your mind to recall that you carry this kind of peace? 

Q: Knowing that you have Holy Spirit in you, what other concerns might this reality address?