
Jun 2, 2024

Good Day To You,

Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take this and eat it, for this is my body.” Matt 26:26

Jesus gave his body for the atonement for our sins. Why is it so important that he gave? The law requires an action. It’s a duty. It’s the law that demands and keeps accounts on what has been done and what hasn’t been done. Jesus fulfills the law, by abolishing it through the act of love, by freely giving of himself. He allowed himself to be broken and his blood shed on our account. Love gives. It acts for the best of the other, not for itself. It was said of Jesus that “he gave his life a ransom for many.” When he chose to lay down his life, he was not under duress or being forced, for it was not a performance or a fulfillment of a legal agreement. He freely offered himself in an act of unselfish, unconditional love.

Why does this “giving” matter to our relationship with Christ? For we see clearly that grace and love are the very foundation of our community. He initiated and gave his life to redeem yours and forgive your shortcomings. You can’t stop this love or nullify it or even silence it. He gave - it’s been done and accomplished, fulfilled and freeing. What was his motivation? It was love, and love never fails. So the only thing you and I should do is to receive this love, enjoy it, trust it and live in it. 

Many would lead you to believe that God, if he exists, is sadistic or removed and complacent. Others contend that he doesn’t even exist. But God so loved the world that he gave his only son. This is historically accurate, and the physical and human life evidence is overwhelming. Love gives…and he has given so much. 

Q: What costs you more to give: time, money or energy?

Q: Can you mention anyone else in history that compares to Jesus with his life and acts of love?