
Feb 18, 2024

Good Day To You,

What keeps us stuck, being unable to freely move with emotional and mental energy and grace?  Stuck, bound up in a place where the pain of past events continue to beat you up or deplete your emotional health and capacity. We all have had experiences that download pain and trauma to our soul through ridicule, abandonment, abuse, rejection, betrayal or other offenses. These offenses are like large clunky rocks in the cup of our soul, where they take up space and weight us down. 

When I look to blame or hold on to these kinds of thoughts, “They did this,” or “Why did this happen?” or  “This shouldn't have happened,” or “If only something else could have taken place,”  I stay the victim. The rocks stay put and I stay stuck. Trying to figure out who’s responsible or why the pain was brought into my soul doesn’t ever change the reality or need for the removal of the rocks. It just wastes the little emotional energy I have left. 

Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing. For the Scriptures say, 1 Peter 3:9,10 

Interestingly, the Greek definition in this text for the word insult, includes the word abuse. When someone abuses you, don’t do the same in response, but do the “Instead”. That word instead includes the soul assessment and then the working process that moves the heart from hurt and pain to the replacing the abuse with forgiveness.   The scripture states that God has called us to do this very process and find this outcome. So it’s possible. And it’s worth it for our souls to remove the rocks andfind fresh space and the weight lifted so we are free to move, unstuck and ready for his blessing.

Q: When have you ever been stuck in mud or snow and couldn’t move your car? 

Q: Would you ask Holy Spirit to reveal any rocks in your soul’s cup that are weighing you down?