Safe & Secure

May 5, 2024

Good Day To You,

You and I have some common unwritten concerns that we carry with us as we do life, be it in relationships or a new job or taking a vacation. Internally, subconsciously our soul is asking two questions: 1. Is it safe? 2. Is it significant?  

You ask these questions all the time. Is this person I am meeting for the first time safe? Do they have the potential for hurting me emotionally or physically? Can I be myself with them? Will this encounter be beneficial and significant in improving me or my family? We ask these two questions when we face something new or when we engage in a conversation or opportunity that has been even part of our previous experience. 

So I find it interesting to see that the Holy Spirit addresses the two common human concerns when he speaks to Paul, an apostle, who is on mission in the city of Corinth. He addresses his safety and security and his purpose and significance.

“For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” Acts 18:10

Why is this important? Because God knows our frame and our make-up. He created us with these needs, so he lovingly addresses these issues so that we can walk withconfidence and meaning. We follow and serve a good shepherd, who cares for his sheep and speaks to the concerns of our lives. Paul needed to hear that he was protected and safe in this difficult city mission. He also needed to know that his work and time was not done, for there were many that are still to come to Christ in the city. Paul stayed another year and a half in Corinth, and it says in the book of Acts that many heard the message of the Gospel through Paul and believed and were baptized. Plus we gain such great insight from the letters he wrote to this church which was established at that time.  

Know that your Father in heaven knows of your concerns, and will bring his peace and his purpose, so that your life can be fulfilled in Him. 

Q: What can we learn when we see that even Paul needed this insight?  

Q: Do you think it taxes God, or is an irritant to him to ask him for confirmation and guidance in your life?